GREENMAX Conveyor——a mechanical handling equipment which delivers material from one location to another

Conveying system or conveyor is a mechanical handling equipment which delivers material from one location to another. It is usually used to transport heavy or bulky materials, especially types of plastic waste. For example, foam waste, PET bottles, HDPE waste, and LDPE films. Reasons why conveying systems are useful:

1. Save labour by feed material.
2. Conveyors can save on labour to feed raw material into machines.
3. Keep staff safe.

Processing machines are usually large with a high hopper, making it a health and safety risk for staff feeding material in. This can be dangerous and is not an efficient way to work. Conveyors can provide a labour safe and highly efficient feeding situation, equipped with an emergency set.

4. Ensure stable feeding to secure processed material quality

Conveyors have a stable speed, so they can bring raw material to a machine hopper at a constant speed. Constantly feeding ensures raw material can be processed (crushed or melt or compacted) smoothly, which is important to make sure output is of high quality

Notes: GREENMAX brand conveying system can be customized according to customers’ machine, locations and materials.

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